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  • When Monty the dog barked and her demeanour changed we knew something was present.

  • This unsuspecting building on the high street is an architectural gem from of its era.

  • An interesting venue, a time capsule of a bygone era, where people would have been astounded by what they viewed on the silver screen.

  • Collection of the groups experiences provided some interesting evidence.

  • Several forts were built around the coastline to protect England from the French.

  • A few weeks prior to the investigation some of the committee met up with Paul Diamond the venue representative to be shown around the site, ascertain health and safety risks, the areas available for investigation, facilities, base room, and parking to ensure the investigation would run smoothly.

  • It was surprising how our equipment responded in the depths of the magazines.

  • After an investigation we do ask members to supply a brief written account of their experiences.

    David Burlace: As part of team 1 in the tunnels we were getting a lot of response from the rem pod from a spirit we believed to be James. We had to leave as it was break time. We left with the rem pod still going locked the outer door with the rem pod still making a noise. After the break we went back to the tunnel and waited for the door key and the rem pod was still going. Over the top of the door, I shouted “ok James we are back” the pod stopped and was then silent as if he were waiting for our return.

    Susan Davies: When I was in the tunnel, I heard a man’s voice go “huh” or something like that. Before we got to the place, I had a weird feeling all day, so I was a bit disappointed that nothing jumped up and scared me, I was expecting it to happen. I do wish I could get the opportunity to do my evp with no one else in the room with me as there is always too much going on in the background. I would of love to go back to the tunnels, but I was a bit worried about the steps. I had a great time and cannot wait for the next one. Apart from the orbs I caught I saw nothing unusual.

    Michelle Ryder: Me, Tracie and Sarah arrived together and were chatting in the car, Tracie was telling me about some feelings she had about the evening and talked about a big ginger cat who kept appearing to her, strange as she seemed to describe my cat who died last year and who I feel with me all the time!

    I felt nauseous in the chapel at the welcome meeting, and this got worse when we went down the tunnels, my heart started racing when Ben was playing some of the songs.

    In the bar area I felt a heavy weight on my head, and it went when Sallyann asked it to leave me alone, I also saw the lamp was swinging on the ceiling, but this was proven to be the convection from the heater below.

    Sarah Batten: When the lights were playing up before the investigation at the chapel and that lady was showing pictures of her new baby grandson, I got the sense of a baby lost too soon. It was not until Christina started talking about this announcement, I felt it was to do with this baby that had died, that it was some kind of accident. The mother I feel was not well mentally. An overly anxious lady. Then of course there was them REM pod going off in the fort. There was that man who got injured in the mechanics who was tentatively coming through. He wanted help get to the other side. I got the impression at some points he did not like us all looking towards him as if he had been disfigured by the accident. Then when the REM pod went mental, I believe it was the guy from the other side taking over, pushing him to the side like he was not allowed to speak over us. This other man was a very overpowering character, shouting out his authority to us. A fab location. Definitely active and would love to go again, especially to help the man pass over.

    Kate Chaddock:We were down in the tunnels/magazine first and as I got down there, I did not really feel anything negative, a lot of the stuff down there we use in work today, so I felt quite at home, anyway we started by keeping quiet for a while and then we played some music. I think it must have been the first track we played I was watching the CCTV and saw a lot of stuff on one of the cameras but looking back this maybe just dust from the walls, from the vibration of the music. I did get the feeling of busyness; it was as if everybody was just working getting ammo and stuff up from the tunnels nothing which interacted. It was like they were just working around us not bothered by us at all. Down there that is all I felt it was like (for me) being at work when rush around prepping for the next exercise or something, so for me I felt quite at home I suppose.

    We were in in the chapel next where nothing really happened it just seemed nice and peaceful. I did not feel anything.

    Next was everybody in the bar area, again I felt nothing, and it seemed nice and peaceful.

    All the ladies then went back down the tunnels, and I decided to go down to the part where the mannequins were, at first, I was not bothered. I was stood down there the first time and did not feel anything then either, well that was until maybe about five/ten minutes of me standing there I had an overwhelming sensation that I did not want to stand there anymore, as if something was going to happen, and I did not want to be there if it did. I then moved back further away, nothing did happen, but it was that sensation as if something were there and I started to not like it down there, so I basically moved from one end of the spectrum of feeling quite at home to get me away from there. So that was me for Whitsand Bay Fort.

    Sallyann Clench: Prior to visiting I sensed a young female nurse from 1940s which I felt was strange given the era the Battery was built and never gave a thought to its use in WW2. I had also envisaged two pairs of highly polished boots (this to me is a sign of military, proud of their appearance, regimented), running carrying a wooden box with rope handles, hardly a surprising vision to have in connection with the venue but could this have been a linked to the spirit energy felt in the magazine?

    My personal highlights from the night’s investigation would be feeling the strong energy in the magazine getting stronger as I walked along the tunnel to the cordoned off area where the photograph of a shadow figure was captured, this area was where having entered I also saw something black move quickly, instantly thought it to be a cat sat on the wood till reality set in that there wasn’t a cat. I also experienced a very strong energy moving up and down the Armoury passage to the Guard and ammunition rooms in a repetitive action. Could possibly have been the energy of a soldier running from the one of the rooms to the ammunition hoist.

    The next most memorable experience was when Abbie turned the crank; I felt emotions building, shaky, wanted to cry and scream stop, enough. Would I return? – in a heartbeat.

    Tracie Solomon:Before the evening began, I handed over a sealed envelope with connections that I had made prior to the investigation. These were: the name James Andrews, home guard uniform, prisoners (old, smelly, tatty and an outbreak of illness and death), ginger cat, men talking in French and a possible connection to Henry VIII?



  • The Haunted Devon committee were able to work alongside SW1tv to produce a programme based on a paranormal investigation with the team at Whitsand Bay Fort to be featured on their internet channel.

  • Standing on Bitton Road, Teignmouth is Bitton House, used as council offices was once the home of Admiral Pellow, Lord Viscount of Exmouth,

  • Camera flares are another anomaly that often appear in photographs in a variety of guises.

  • Evidence collected by teams isnt disclosed until the end of an investigation.

  • UFO Sighting Cyprus


    Parent Category: Features

    Category: Haunted Devon Content

    The Cyprus UFO – From the Archives of The Plymouth UFO Research Group


    One of the very best UFO cases that our UFO Research Group ever investigated (and indeed, in my opinion, one of the best UFO cases of all time), came from a retired Regimental Sergeant Major with the Royal Marines whilst he was in command of doing night manoeuvre exercises with 1400 marines in Cyprus in1971.  Photographic evidence of the UFO was also obtained, and the 4 photographs are reproduced for this article, but please bear in mind, these photos are time exposures, so shows the object as it trailed across the sky.


    The retired Regimental Sergeant Major  (now to be referred to as ‘Steve’ for this article) contacted our group shortly after hearing us on the local BBC Radio in 1993, to let us know of the extraordinary incident which occurred.  Our report was published in several journals, including Issue One of the best ever UFO magazine (but now sadly no longer in publication) ‘UFO Reality’. What is now detailed below is a verbatim by ‘Steve’ of this astonishing UFO incident, witnessed by 1400 Royal Marines, and virtually the entire population of Cyprus!  What then follows is further research and conclusions.  Enjoy!


    “I used to be a member of the Royal Marines, and we were part of a group called 41 Commando Group that was stationed in Malta. We used to depart from Malta 2 or 3 times a year and go to Cyprus for what’s called field exercises. I don’t know if you know the shape of Cyprus, but it looks something like a rugby ball laid on its side. On this particular night (31st May, 1971), we were deployed in the field. The unit deployed with Echo company on the left hand side, in other words on the west end of the island. We had 2 companies on the north and my unit which was Command HQ, was due south at a place called Ghoshi Trooli. Altogether there were about 1400 men on the exercise.


    At our position, we were doing what is known as a night move, and what happens is you move a Command HQ from one place in the field to another place in the field in darkness. One of my jobs was to control that move. So I would depart, set up a new location and then the unit would have to move to me, and we would have the spaces where they all went. Shortly before 8.00 pm, we drove to a new location. There was a particularly bad piece of track on the way there and I dropped off a young marine, a policeman, and said to him to stay on this track and when the unit comes, make sure you push them towards me in the right direction. There was one place where they could make a bad turn.


    Shortly after getting on the ground, I located the various places and cleared them out. About 8 o’clockish a very bright light appeared behind a crest maybe a thousand metres away. What it looked like initially was the headlights of a car on full beam, situated behind the hill. Because this was a night move with no lights, I got on the radio, gave my call sign and told them to turn their lights off. The light just got stronger so I transmitted again, negative lights. As I’m talking this light came over the crest about a thousand meters away and you go, ‘it’s not bloody headlights, it’s a flare’. I thought at first this was a mortar flare I was looking at. Mortar flares are stationary. You fire it up in the air and the aim is to illuminate the area. They hand by a parachute. The initial reaction was mortar flare and I was pretty concerned because we were in carbon grove, which is dry trees and if a flare lands amongst them you’ve got major problems. Twelve men had been killed in similar circumstances. A flare started in the Troodhos forest and a large number of English troops were killed. This was years before in 1957, which was in my time.


    So now when I’m in a senior position in 1971, I think I’ve got a phosphorous flare hanging above a bloody carbon grove and I’m not going to be very happy. It appeared from a thousand meters, which as I said was from behind the crest but it could have been quite high in the sky. The impression I got was that initially it was quite low. My initial impression was that this object of light was about 5-10,000 feet. That’s a complete guess.


    There was about 20 of us at this place, looking at this light, when we suddenly realise that it isn’t a flare and you say ‘well, what else can it be.’ The more you looked and the more people spoke, you couldn’t relate it to something else you’d seen, it was difficult to pin a label on. This was a massive thing. It appeared to be about the size of a golf ball at arms length. That’s the angle we were looking at (pointing 45 degrees). You had no obvious sign of movement. The main mass of light was almost spherical but it was putting out so much radiance, it looked like nothing you’d ever seen before. All it was like, was a burning ball of light. The light was extremely bright and when I’m talking about extremely bright, I’ve never seen anything as bright in my life.


    The brilliance wasn’t burning enough to burn your eyes but it was just… awesome. The nearest I can get to it is if you lowered the sun. And this is what I mean by a burning ball of light. The thing was that bright you see. It was like a burning orb of light, one orb of brilliance. I could also see other lights amongst it or thought I could. Not obvious lights. They weren’t like porthole lights with little people putting their heads out and waving at you. It was just what I thought indications of other lights, the same colour as the main one. You had this burning ball coming overhead like that and I am seeing something, not actually a cross but other lights roughly that shape within the centre light.


    Front and back of it, especially when it was lower in the sky, you had like a vortex of movement as though you had displacement of air. In other words, if a thing is moving it would push air backwards and forwards. I could see something like that. You get a lot of dust in Cyprus, especially at that time of year. Very dry dusty conditions and you get a lot of dust in the atmosphere. If you had a burning ball of phosphorous, you would have the central core of phosphorous, then the glare of the diffused light. If you were moving that phosphorous through conditions where there was dust, you would get movement, a push vortex and a vortex behind.


    There was a lot of chat among the 20 men. You’re all talking about it. You’ve never seen anything like it in your life. We are now watching this for some minutes. Remember I told you that I’d left a marine corporal guarding at the track. We all of a sudden hear this (beats hand on table) and this guy came over the hill doing about 600 mph!! This is in full kit. And you know Cyprus is a hot and sticky place. Anyway, he came up and after panting for a bit said, ‘Can you see that?’ We said yes and he said ‘Thank Christ for that’. It wasn’t till that happened that you realized that by being in a group of people watching, it wasn’t frightening as it was if you were alone. I mean for a Marine Corporal to disobey my orders and bugger off, then it was something. To a lone individual…..to run away from something is a serious offense, let’s not disguise the fact. He deserted the post that I had given. For a lone individual, what he saw by himself…..meant it was a bit more serious than that.


    Everybody on the exercise, about 1400 men, saw the light. During this period the unit, you remember, is doing a night move. As I said we had radio sets and we could hear transmissions of other people taking about the light, and at one stage the following dialogue took place between a call sign which is a unit and a commanding officer, Sunray. There was a little bit of chat about the light then Sunray said, ‘It must be a flying saucer ha ha’. There were the words he used.


    We watched this for 22 minutes. We were all professional observers. I carry powerful binoculars, night glasses, and there was about half a dozen pairs of binoculars there. Now you may think that what I was going to tell you is stupid, but the light went from ground zero and took 22 minutes to disappear out of sight of binoculars to the right of the moon. We didn’t use the glasses when the light was easily visible because it was so bright it might have damaged your eyes through binoculars. It was when it was at height that we used the binoculars. So using night glasses leaning on a land rover, watching this light, the moon is now hanging over Dhekelia Garrison and the object ended up to the right of the moon.


    A point I want to make is that there was no impression of speed, sound or movement. You were looking at something that seems to drift past you. I’ve been trained for 27 years to judge distances, that’s what I’m paid for. But I couldn’t tell you if that was 1000 meters high, 5000 meters high, 50 mile high. I’m also a professional parachutist, so I knew distances in the air, but I couldn’t tell you how far away it was or how high. It was just something you’d never seen before. The day we saw the light was the same day that the Americans had launched one of their moon shots. I think it was the second one.

    We then moved back to the barracks. When I got back to base, I wrote a complete report of everything we’d seen that night. It covered about 5 pages. I posted it to my wife first and told her to keep the letter because I knew it was something different – and she ditched it!! The next morning, we were all talking in the mess about the light, so I rang Akrotiri and asked to speak to the station Net. Officer and I couldn’t get hold of him. The lines were burning. So I contacted my opposite number there and spoke to him. He said, ‘Is it about the light we saw last night,’ and I said yes. He said ‘the switchboard had been jammed solid’. Then he said that ‘it was the Mariner shot (NARAS) that’s all we were watching’.


    Later that morning the colonel sent for me and (we were referring to the light in general discussion) he instructed that all sub-units who’d seen it, were requested to write a report on it and anybody who had taken photos to hand them in as part of the research into this Mariner thing. And this was done. I then got to draw ammunition. I used to lodge my ammunition in a compound. Bring it off a ship, put it in the compound and draw from the army barracks. Everyone you saw would say, did you see that light and you’d have a chat about it. I go down there and was talking to the blokes about it. One bloke had come out of the mess, drunk: out of an army mess, drunk. He gets to the car park and goes to start his car and he looks up and sees what we saw and he said in seconds he was stone cold sober. He raced back into the mess goes ga a ga and they all run out to watch the light.


    The Turks or the Greeks, I don’t know which but one of them believes a light, a bright light like this means the coming of the new Messiah. When I went for the ammo, locals worked in the ammunition dump, and one of them was telling us that his village had seen this as part of their sort of religion of Christ and that, and they all turned out and were praying in the streets, thinking that the Boss Man had arrived again. It wasn’t just a few people. It was reported in the local press so it could easily be checked, I’m not giving you a load of waffle. You could dead easy get a check of it.


    I started collating the reports and listening to other people talking about it. Echo Company was on the left of the Island. Now they had observed what we had observed, maybe ten minutes prior. So let’s say at about 7.35 pm, they’d noticed this light coming from West to East, so it was coming straight towards them. This light came from West to East. Halfway across the Island, it then turned from North to South. So Echo Company watch it coming towards them, it then comes inland turns from North to South. We watch it as it came over the mountain and flies south. I didn’t know they had Mariner craft that turn a right angle basically and then disappear. All the reports were handed in, photos and negatives and quite a lot got handed in. If you’ve got 1400 blokes in the field, you’re going to have a hundred of them with cameras, aren’t you? There was a large quantity of films handed in. I would say over a hundred rolls of film.


    Weeks later it was confirmed that this was a UFO. You see what happened, the first morning when the colonel asked me to get the reports, he didn’t give me a full brief. I would be responsible for running the unit and he would normally be dead straight with me. Now for some reason he had a top level meeting with his company commanders and would have discussed it with them, but he didn’t tell me the full story. In the centre of Cyprus is a place called the Troodhos Mountains, on top of which they’ve got the most sophisticated radar in the world. They’re called golf balls because of their appearance and are maybe 3-400 feet in circumference. They used to monitor the U2 flights and long range radar transmissions. There’s a fighter base at Akrotiri and it’s a very sophisticated fighter base. On RAF bases abroad, they always have QRF (quick response) fighters burning internally. So on an operational base you always have the latest aircraft there, ready to go.


    About 2 or 3 weeks later we were off the coast of (location deleted) doing a job. I went in for my morning sherry with him and he said, ‘That UFO’s been confirmed.’ So I said, what UFO? “Didn’t I tell you?’ he said. I said, no but you’re going to tell me now, aren’t you? And then he explained that this was a UFO and it was an official job from reports, they went off and then it then came back as confirmed as a UFO. I was told this by him – that is the colonel – that during this, those ‘golf balls’ up on Troodhos had traces early on in the game. They put 2 Lightnings up (RAF fighter aircraft), which were capable of about 1200 mph. They would obviously have an early interception course on this particular object, whatever it was, and they could be put alongside it. And the way it was said to me was, ‘Two Lightings couldn’t touch it’. In service parlance that means that you can up two aircraft and they could not get those planes in contact with the object.


    The radar at Troodhos pinged them early, and the Lightning’s went up. You never get a single plane going off QRF, you always get two. You’ve got two fighters depart from Akrotiri to investigate, told them to have a look, so they get a vector course. They pick it up on their radar long before it’s visible, probably 5 to 600 miles away. So the Troodhos radar would have picked it up at distance, the Lightings would be sent up to investigate it and they can’t touch it doing 1200 mph. Yet when you ask me how fast is it going and I’m telling you it is almost stationary. If it looked almost stationary, and the Lightning’s couldn’t touch it, it must have been a fair old height. But none of the facts relate, it doesn’t fit in with anything you’ve seen before.


    I would be very interested in seeing what the Lightning’s saw. They would have been put up early enough by radar to get within good seeing distance to it. They all actually carry cameras on board, so they would trigger the cameras if nothing else. These would be cine cameras. These photos I’ve given you were taken by a naval publicity photographer. In the middle of the Island you had the support company, which was firing the weapons. The photographer who took these, was with that company. He was using tripods set up for night firing. It wasn’t just a hit and miss affair with a guy with a camera. This is one of the few occasions that a guy was there with a proper set of equipment, tripods, etc. This guy was photographing what is known as Wombats and Nobats. They’re anti-tank guns and have an open breech called venture and when the round fires, the propellant burns out the back in a big flash, so when you see them they look very dramatic. You know the gun crew, the hooded figures, the round going out, a big flash at the back. That’s what his camera was set up for.


    When the light appears the guy put his camera on it and included these on the same reel of negs. And these were handed in as part of what I told you. These I imagine are the only 3 surviving photos of this. He handed the roll in but a couple of days later, he was in the same mess as me, gave me a set of the prints he had done. And that’s what these are. I had more photos than this but a couple have been nicked. I think I had 5 or 6 originally. When I showed them to people, I loaned them to one or two of them and possibly they kept one or two. I had about half a dozen at first. Luckily I’ve still got these. I’m well aware that it’s taken me 20 years to tell you this. Now if I was trying to do a snow job, I wouldn’t wait 20 years to tell you what I saw. I’m also no idiot. You could probably falsify photos 1, 2 & 3, by a dark room, a neon light and a clever photographer. But there is no way you could do this one (photo 2) which shows the lights of Dhekelia Garrison, 6 or 7 miles away.


    The photos are time exposures, so don’t show the ball of light as such but its trail across the sky. I don’t know how long he left the shutter open. You can get a good idea of how bright it was. The photos also show the illuminated dust in the atmosphere as it passes through. Lots of people who saw this are still serving. You’ll find that the senior officers like me have gone but lots of the younger ones will still be serving.


    It’s taken me 20 years to tell you now, because you don’t like getting ridiculed. I’ve told it to other people because the beauty of it is I can prove what I’m saying. Luckily I’ve still got the photos showing the horizon. There was no cover up or hush up on the base because it fitted in with the Mariner thing, but we all knew it wasn’t that. What was surprising was that it didn’t make the English press. I’ve sometimes read or heard on the radio, that someone has seen a flying saucer. It’s amazing that on a thing like this where you’ve got, in my case, at least a thousand or more trained observers, whether they be junior or senior, all looking at the same object, and I’m talking about at least half an hour or more. Plus from different locations spread over an area of a couple of hundred square miles. You’ve got the whole small isolated community like Cyprus seeing it, and reported on their radio, their own media and yet it never got any massive press coverage over here.


    I just heard you by accident on the radio and what clicked in my mind was when you said the MoD had got something on these lines. I thought I’ll tell him about the photos. Otherwise they would have just lain there forever.”


    That is the end of ‘Steve’s’ account of what was witnessed.




    We at PUFORG contacted the MOD in 1993, and got this response:



    The brilliance wasn’t burning enough to burn your eyes but it was just… awesome. The nearest I can get to it is if you lowered the sun. And this is what I mean by a burning ball of light. The thing was that bright you see. It was like a burning orb of light, one orb of brilliance. I could also see other lights amongst it or thought I could. Not obvious lights. They weren’t like porthole lights with little people putting their heads out and waving at you. It was just what I thought indications of other lights, the same colour as the main one. You had this burning ball coming overhead like that and I am seeing something, not actually a cross but other lights roughly that shape within the centre light.


    Front and back of it, especially when it was lower in the sky, you had like a vortex of movement as though you had displacement of air. In other words, if a thing is moving it would push air backwards and forwards. I could see something like that. You get a lot of dust in Cyprus, especially at that time of year. Very dry dusty conditions and you get a lot of dust in the atmosphere. If you had a burning ball of phosphorous, you would have the central core of phosphorous, then the glare of the diffused light. If you were moving that phosphorous through conditions where there was dust, you would get movement, a push vortex and a vortex behind.


    There was a lot of chat among the 20 men. You’re all talking about it. You’ve never seen anything like it in your life. We are now watching this for some minutes. Remember I told you that I’d left a marine corporal guarding at the track. We all of a sudden hear this (beats hand on table) and this guy came over the hill doing about 600 mph!! This is in full kit. And you know Cyprus is a hot and sticky place. Anyway, he came up and after panting for a bit said, ‘Can you see that?’ We said yes and he said ‘Thank Christ for that’. It wasn’t till that happened that you realized that by being in a group of people watching, it wasn’t frightening as it was if you were alone. I mean for a Marine Corporal to disobey my orders and bugger off, then it was something. To a lone individual…..to run away from something is a serious offense, let’s not disguise the fact. He deserted the post that I had given. For a lone individual, what he saw by himself…..meant it was a bit more serious than that.


    Everybody on the exercise, about 1400 men, saw the light. During this period the unit, you remember, is doing a night move. As I said we had radio sets and we could hear transmissions of other people taking about the light, and at one stage the following dialogue took place between a call sign which is a unit and a commanding officer, Sunray. There was a little bit of chat about the light then Sunray said, ‘It must be a flying saucer ha ha’. There were the words he used.


    We watched this for 22 minutes. We were all professional observers. I carry powerful binoculars, night glasses, and there was about half a dozen pairs of binoculars there. Now you may think that what I was going to tell you is stupid, but the light went from ground zero and took 22 minutes to disappear out of sight of binoculars to the right of the moon. We didn’t use the glasses when the light was easily visible because it was so bright it might have damaged your eyes through binoculars. 



    Weeks later it was confirmed that this was a UFO. You see what happened, the first morning when the colonel asked me to get the reports, he didn’t give me a full brief. I would be responsible for running the unit and he would normally be dead straight with me. Now for some reason he had a top level meeting with his company commanders and would have discussed it with them, but he didn’t tell me the full story. In the centre of Cyprus is a place called the Troodhos Mountains, on top of which they’ve got the most sophisticated radar in the world. They’re called golf balls because of their appearance and are maybe 3-400 feet in circumference. They used to monitor the U2 flights and long range radar transmissions. There’s a fighter base at Akrotiri and it’s a very sophisticated fighter base. On RAF bases abroad, they always have QRF (quick response) fighters burning internally. So on an operational base you always have the latest aircraft there, ready to go.


    About 2 or 3 weeks later we were off the coast of (location deleted) doing a job. I went in for my morning sherry with him and he said, ‘That UFO’s been confirmed.’ So I said, what UFO? “Didn’t I tell you?’ he said. I said, no but you’re going to tell me now, aren’t you? And then he explained that this was a UFO and it was an official job from reports, they went off and then it then came back as confirmed as a UFO. I was told this by him – that is the colonel – that during this, those ‘golf balls’ up on Troodhos had traces early on in the game. They put 2 Lightnings up (RAF fighter aircraft), which were capable of about 1200 mph. They would obviously have an early interception course on this particular object, whatever it was, and they could be put alongside it. And the way it was said to me was, ‘Two Lightings couldn’t touch it’. In service parlance that means that you can up two aircraft and they could not get those planes in contact with the object.

     “The files for 1971 would have been sent to the public records office a long time ago and are covered by the terms of the public records act, remaining closed from public viewing, until 30 years after the last action was taken” Since 2008, the MOD has been releasing it’s UFO files to the National Archives Database, and interestingly, the Cyprus UFO event is never mentioned.  This is very surprising, and is also highly notable by its absence, when you consider “Steve” was ordered to collect all photos and reports, and that later his Colonel had confirmed that it was a UFO!


    Further research has been carried out regarding the launch of the Mariner 9 probe.  Experts in this field have ruled out any possibility that the object seen over Cyprus could have been misidentified as being the space probe, which was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 22:23 GMT.


    The Royal Marines are amongst the best trained observers anywhere in the world, and to have 1400 of them, along with the population of Cyprus, to observe this, makes this report one of the best UFO cases on record.

  • Within the quarry embedded in the dust Roman artefacts have been discovered.

  • Surprisingly there has been much in the way of reported activity. 

  • With so many things to consider which could create sound matrixing, great care had to be taken when listening to audio.

  • There are lots of things that can cause digital noise but a high ISO in low light conditions is a one of the worst contributes. 

  • The name Brixham was derived from Briseham in the Domesday Book when its population then was just 39. 

  • On the advance teams arrival it was noticeable how quiet and still the galleries felt, providing an eerie feeling when walking around alone.

    Maritime Museum 

    Team 1.

    The night events began with Kelly calling out for an evp session. “Are you a woman?” set the tri-field off but having repeated the question there was no response.  Again, Kelly asked spirit to come forward and some of the team heard the tri field meter sound briefly. So, the Mel meter was placed next to it so any emf spike would be picked up on both pieces of equipment. An emf 00.4 mg was noted. Kelly asked if spirit was setting of the tri field meter when it sounded in response.


    Twice the tri field meter responded to the question “are you male?”.  Abbie explained that spirit can put a name into someone’s head and is usually the first thing that comes to mind and the tri field was activated. The names Robert was sensed by Kelly, Simon by Abbie and James by Andrew and the tri field once again sounded in response to James.  When asked spirit confirmed the name James by again activating the tri field meter and that he was associated to something within the building and in the Maritime Museum. As the team tried to pinpoint the location of the item the team experienced cold draught and goosebumps. Once again, the tri field meter responded to Kelly asking if the item was at her end of the room. A group member commented that she had a tingling sensation in her legs when 1a brief whine was recorded. 

    Abbie used the tri field meter to try to locate the item the spirit James was connected to. The tri-field meter reacted to the location of the bottles, containers, and a bell. Having called out various items in that vicinity the tri-field remained silent. So, without any confirmation as to the specific item it is noted that the area in question was that of the anchor in the Maritime room by the variety of items that were unusual catches, trawled up by boats and ships - so could James be connected to one of these, an item that had been lost at sea, or was he himself drowned at sea maybe

    Kelly asked James if he was still with them, and the tri field sounded and one of the group shared that she was still feeling pins and needles in her legs. Asking furthers questions a small creak was heard, and the group were able to establish that a navy man James died in the water of hypothermia and as his remains were never recovered, he felt unable to move on as he did not receive a Christian burial and wanted help. Abbie told spirit that the team would leave the spirit to recharge his energy and would be back later to help him cross over and the tri field responded on both occasions. As Abbie thanked spirit for communicating with them the tri field sounded. End of session.

    Team 2

    Christina sensed a stern man walking round the table looking at each person individually. Sallyann welcomed the male to join the gathered group and explained their intention in hope to establish communication. Sallyann sensed the same male spirit and described him as tall 5ft 9/10”, with some facial hair to the jaw and cheeks, walks very upright, stern, intimidating and had feeling that the male spirit felt wanted to portray himself to be taller, bigger than he actually was, powerful.


    Next, Christina felt shivery, cold and was experiencing a constant tingling down her back that there were two or three souls around the museum that look after the building, who Sallyann referred to as the male spirits henchmen, that they would do his bidding and that they needed to be careful of him as he was strong and, Christina sensed the man to be laughing and Sallyann tingling down her left side as she spoke. Christina shared that she had the impression that the other spirit would stand outside the door as if guarding. Sallyann intuited that money was connected. Edwina felt the man to be laughing, having a nasty laugh. Christina went on to say something happened in the room that was connected to a spirit in the office area. Either a dust particle or orb was seen to come out from behind Sallyann who sensed him wearing a long dark heavy coat.

    Then, Christina had the image that something happened downstairs with a young chap who went upstairs and was followed by a guard, an altercation took place, they ganged up on him in the small room upstairs and that’s why papers are found scattered over the office floor, anger and upset. Sallyann intuited that the altercation was due to the young male not doing what he was told because he felt it was not right - corrupt, and also intuited two men guarding the doorway preventing anyone from entering or leaving as Mike in contrast to Sallyanns polite and meek manor started calling out aggressively. Christina and Bens-who was sat next to her, commented that they were feeling freezing cold. As Mike spoke out both Christina and Sallyann intuited the dominant male spirit to be angry. David felt someone to be playing with his hair just as Sallyann felt a warm energy to her side, yet Christina and Ben were still freezing on the opposite side of the table. Christina picked up that no one was going to be left alone followed by a horrible laugh as Sallyann complained of a pain down her side, kidney area. Mike continued to speak out and the Ovilus responded with the following words: Jim, twist, bury, yourself, killed.

    The team decided to split up. Christina felt that the atmosphere had changed as the group had become smaller, more intimidating as she and Susan both experienced shivers, tickling of their hair and felt a cold draught again the other members on the opposite side of the table were not experiencing anything at that exact time. Christina sensed the male to be standing behind her and Susan asked spirit to move her chair when the Ovilus responded with levitation, zoo, and night. Christina also felt that this male in life would have people beaten and Sallyann asked whether the pain she had experienced was due to being punched in the kidneys the Ovilus said clap. Sallyann asked if spirit was so powerful and strong to affect the equipment the Ovilus spouted out hot, haste, teacher, when asked if he was a murderer the word boot was given.

    Christina shared that she felt people visiting the museum had experienced the sensation of being followed by someone right up behind them. Christina feels that spirit was trying to show her that something that happened upstairs, in the offices recently, that has not happened before, was down to him and fulfilled his intention to teach someone a lesson that’s now been learnt. As she spoke the Ovilus gave the words paranormal and life. Edwina noticed a cold breeze around her, and Sallyann did not know whether she wanted to cry or be sick and felt that this was how spirit made someone feel: scared, as a result of their antics. Edwina also confirmed she too felt sick. Sallyann again asked spirit what they had done when the Ovilus responded with sunrise, hide and solo. Sensing spirits anger Sallyann decided to leave the room and go for a walk and check on the others when the Ovilus immediately called out return, her response was to invite spirit to go with her. The Ovilus called out squeeze, dollars, alright, fly, marker, and carrier - Ben who was seated at the table had recently returned from vacation in Florida. Coincidence? The group did wonder if the spirit had followed Sallyann out of the room as feelings had changed after she left.

    Sallyann returned from having walked over to the cells and shared that walking back along the short hallway she felt intimidated, that she had been followed by someone close behind her that made her feel very uncomfortable. Upon her return the team began to experience a variety of sensations: Sallyann felt strong spirit energy present, Ben felt freezing cold, Christina sensed someone standing behind her back, Edwina suddenly felt stomachache. Sallyann asked if she had been followed back into the room to which the Ovilus responded with property, automatic, six, enough and water.

    Some of the group tried to use the Springy as the Ovilus called out self, suffer, compound, short and Veronica as Sallyann begun calling out. As they moved onto using the Spinney the group complained of feeling a cold draught and it being freezing where Ben and Christina were sat. Edwina commented on spirit being such a big strong man but unable to move the board when Ben asked if we you knew if spirit was male. Sallyann asked if this was the spirit who had chased her down the hallway when the Ovilus responded with ready, female and holiday. The question “are you female?” saw the Ovilus respond with greater, business, English, current, climb, should, pat, and memories. End of session

    Teams 1 and 2

    For the final investigation of the night both groups were re-united. Abbie shared that she thought she heard whistling outside the room and Kelly experienced the sensation of someone playing with her hair- just like Christina had earlier that night.

    Abbie and the group set about preparing to send spirits who wished to move on into the light and when she spoke of the Churches teaching of hell a loud click was heard from behind her. Sallyann kept sensing the same phrase “I can’t do it; I can’t do it” and Christina had the impression that the henchmen spirits from earlier were placed at the door stopping other spirits from entering the room. Christina felt the dominant spirit they had encountered earlier had returned. Christina described the men at the door as wearing a different uniform the other dominant male, who Sallyann described as being 5ft 10 inches wearing a thick heavy longish coat when a knock sound was heard. Continuing, she described him as walking very upright, had a rank but wanted to be greater. Christina kept getting “power reigns…….” Something she could not make any sense of as was unable to get the rest of the sentence. Sallyann asked if this referred to his power reigning over the weak and two knocks were heard in response and recorded. Christina agreed that for him it was regardless of rank he was in control. Abbie respectfully asked why he would not let the other spirits move on, when Sallyann responded with – he doesn’t have to, Christina also answered with - as long as there is fear, he has control. Sallyann shared that she saw something move across above Abbie seated on the other side of the table. Trying to establish an era with this spirit Abbie asked if he guarded prisoners of war to which Sallyann said she had the word French given to her which confirmed Abbie’s vision of him wearing red – the colour of English soldiers. End of session


    Victorian shops

    Team 1

    The team spread out. One group decided to use the spirit voice box. Kelly asked spirit if they could use the small box in front of her with the blue light and an evp was heard on audio playback, as she spoke, 2“I want you “, was followed by “I don’t want to”. Abbie heard a thud.

    The small group also noticed a musty smell thought to possibly be from the radiator and 3a “hmmm” sound was heard by Abbie and also on audio playback.

    A class A evp of 4a female singing - “Christmas morning mail” was recorded but doesn’t seem to have been heard by the team at the time as there wasn’t a reaction to it from the group.


    When using a crystal pendulum an 5evp was captured saying “both of us” followed by “hmmm”. 

    Questioning a knock that was heard, 6a female voice called out “there’s gin”. 

    Kate who was using the crystal pendulum appeared to be in contact with a male spirit aged 39 and just as Kate confirmed that the spirit was not James from earlier as 7a heavy drawn-out breath that’s said “about her” was heard by Abbie and caught on the Tascam recording of the session.

    As Kelly spoke 8a female tuneful “hmmm hmmm”.

    Kelly asked spirit to copy her and knocked twice and a one faint knock back was heard by the team. The temperature fluctuated from 60.4-60.3 F and as Kelly and Abbie discussed this an evp of 9a female voice sang out “heard a great big bang”.

    The temperature dropped to 60.1 F. Kate shared that the gentleman she was communicating with was a Scottish gentleman in the Royal Navy, Commanding Officer of a ship in 1541, a privateer/pirate. When Abbie asked if spirit had overseen the crew a knock was heard. End of session


    Berry Head Barracks Display

    Team 1

    Time 23:15

    The group settled into the area of the display with the soldier and canon. Kelly began by calling out and knocked twice asking spirit to copy her, a single knock was recorded in response in conjunction with a quick flash of the orange and green lights on the rem pod, so she asked for spirit to step forward when10footsteps were recorded along with an evp of a female voice asking “why” as both Kelly and Andrew both felt a draught that they hadn’t felt previously and could not account for. 


    The group relocated further along to an area where Andrew sensed people may have experience being pushed. Kelly called out and a team member who was using the camcorder shared that they had seen an orb by Kelly’s knee. The group rubbed their knees to see if any dust orbs could have been seen to try and debunk the visual, but this was not the case as nothing showed up. Everyone felt quite comfortable, yet Kate felt that something was about to happen when the red light and temperature sensor on the rem pod flashed and bleeped which indicated a significant heat change. The temperature was noted as 61.3 F. Kelly reset the heat sensor. Kelly asked if spirit could make the blue light flash and the rem pod obliged. Temperature noted as 61.7 F. End of session.


    The group settled into their surrounding and Sallyann started to call, and Edwina felt a breeze cross her legs. Sallyann began to feel a presence, someone who was upset and tearful and as she asked spirit to move closer the rem pod responded. She asked spirit to move closer to the sound of her voice and again the rem responded. Sallyann continued speaking and as she asked if something bad happened to the spirit Edwina felt a pain on her heart area. Again, as soon as Sallyann asked if something had happened that had upset them Edwina shared that she felt hot and tormented, unhappy, and wanting to cry. Edwina felt they were in contact with a young woman, of a slight build, same height as herself, with fair hair, and when Sallyann asked her if the hair was straight, curly, up, or down 11a whisper was recorded saying “wavy”, followed by Edwina who described it as wavy. 

    Edwina asked her guides for help in communicating with the spirit and 12evp was recorded saying “house”.

    Edwina sensed the word help along with feeling a tightness on her chest and Sallyann felt a sudden rush of energy. Both women sensed they were connecting to a distraught spirit who did not know what to do. Edwina asked if she this was the spirit of a young girl, and if someone had been keeping her there when an evp an 13replied “yes”. 


    Sallyann went on to describe the spirit as 18-20years old, that there was a time when she was very happy and carefree, felt she was from 17-1800s, not wealthy when the rem pod sounded. She continued to describe her as wearing a course brown skirt with a white apron tied round her waist, happy, dancing, skipping barefoot and playing with younger children that were with her either siblings or children from the village - happy days. Something happened and the spirit didn’t know what to do, panicking, distressed. Edwina asked if a young boy that she cared for had died or was killed as Sallyann began to feel nauseous. Edwina intuited the word murdered. As Sallyann continued asking questions Edwina felt a heaviness on her chest and begun feeling tearful. When Sallyann asked spirit to come forward 14an evp was recorded asking “madam, who me?”. 

    Edwina commented that she felt sad and Sallyann picked up on the names Sara and June. When asked if spirits name was Sara 15an evp was recorded saying “no”.

    Sallyann said that she felt the year 1858 to be important when both David and Edwina said they were experiencing a cold breeze as she spoke. David asked Edwina id she needed a torch to be shone on her pendulum 16an evp was captured asking “run with us?”. 

    Using her pendulum Edwina asked if spirits name was Sara when 17an evp was recorded asking “help me”. 

    Using this form of divination Edwina was able to confirm that the name Sara and 1858 were significant to spirit. Asking if June was the name of someone spirit knew 18an evp was recorded saying “that witch, no, no”,whilst the pendulum swung yes. 

    Edwina followed by asking if this was the same spirit of a girl that she had connected with on a previous visit when a mechanical sounding 19evp was recorded saying, “guardroom stay here” - walking as its said, was immediately followed by what sounded like a Birmingham accent saying “don’t”. 

    Asking if Sara was killed a raspy evp was recorded answering “yes”. Asking was Sara killed an evp was recorded 20threatening “I’ll scare you both” and when the same question was repeated an evp was captured replying “yeah” and was also confirmed by the movement of the pendulum. 

    David’s question of was she killed by June was given the 21response of “this is could wonderful” that was captured on the audio recording.

    The pendulum confirmed that Sara was killed by June and had drowned as witnessed by the spirit on the day they were all dancing and playing in the field as viewed by Sallyann and is why spirit was so distraught, crying and screaming. An electronic sounding 22evp was recorded that said, “expletive jeweller, whistling, Julia, woman”. 

    Sallyann asked if June was there on that day and another evp was recorded 23calling” Sally” and “trying to set my dinner”, a voice saying, “June is horrible”.

    The question “did June hold her down” was answered with 24“yes, we know they’re here”. 

    As the pendulum motioned a definite yes and continued to do so as Sallyann stated that it was a deliberate act and heard something click above her head. Sallyann felt that somehow, they children were paddling in water- a river or stream and that June held Sara aged 8, under the water deliberately which was witnessed by the girl spirit they were communicating with who was further up way from them and screamed and cried in disbelief as she wasn’t close enough to stop her. There wasn’t anything she do. As Sallyann went on to describe the scene and emotions, she became quite distressed herself.

    Whilst attempting to send spirit to the light the temperature rose by 3 degrees.

    Sallyann felt spirit was unsure and confused as to what to do and Mike called out that the temperature was dropping. It was noted that as Sallyann spoke of what she had intuited the Mel meter read 1.7 mg Emf and temperature of 18 F that fell to 15.8 F and had been mainly around 14.2 F.

    Having swapped places with the rest of team 2, nothing was experienced although several words were spouted out by the Ovilus that appeared to be random and didn’t connect with any of the questions asked or conversations the group had but did seem to respond each time a question was asked. End of session


    The Office

    Team 1

    Kelly began the vigil by asking “Is there anybody here?” was answered with a tap. Her question “are you attached to something in the museum” resulted in the rem pod having flashed. When she asked how spirit made their living Kate intuited the answer to be smuggling. Whilst using the spirit voice box an odd blurry light anomaly was seen by Kelly’s head and shortly after the rem pod sounded and flashed so Abbie immediately stopped the spirit voice box and asked spirit to take a step back and the rem pod stopped. She next asked if a spirit of a little girl and the rem pod responded, the same question was asked again for confirmation and again the rem pod responded with the alarm sounding and the orange and green lights flashing. The question asking the girl if she was on her own prompted the rem pod to answer.

    The team chatted and exchanged jokes amongst themselves Abbie felt that she had been poked in the eye. – something also experienced years before by another HD member on a previous visit. Kelly commented that she felt the room had turned colder. The temperature was checked and read 62.8 F.


    As the team used the spirit voice box Kelly heard a crying sound. Using the spirit voice box, one of the team asked for the energy of a child to come forward when 25“so will I” and “we need help” followed by “help me with the others” was recorded.

    Two orbs were captured by Kate on the camcorder, which would have been dust particles. Abbie called out to spirit asking if they did not want the group to sing to make a noise and the rem pod promptly flashed and sounded the alarm. The question would you like to play a game was greeted with a response from the rem pod. The team tried to think of a game to play some of the members heard a whine. Kelly suggested playing with the glass and again the rem pod flashed and sounded the alarm. Kelly asked the spirit to use the team’s energy as Abbie experienced a tingling sensation in her head. As the group looked and chatted about Most Haunted, the TV programme the rem pod reacted. A cold draught was felt to move from Andrew across to Abbie’s hand that felt tingly. The team agreed that they felt the glass trying to move so Kelly moved the glass in a circle to show spirit what was required, and the rem pod responded again as they chatted. They prepared to leave the room as the rem pod was activated.

    Team 2

    Although the first small group who investigated this area didn’t experience anything Christina intuited that paperwork had been found scattered on the floor whilst the office had been empty.


    The rest of team 2 settled into the office to begin their investigation. Sallyann felt that there was someone by the areas of the books. Mel meter gave a reading of 52.F. As soon as the team had finished introducing themselves Susan’s cameras battery died, Sallyann felt, and strong energy building and Mike noted the temperature was dropping. The energy seemed to be moving from Sallyann to Edwina as she too begun to feel the energy. Mike shared that the temperature had now dropped 7F to 44.2 and was still falling. Sallyann felt a male energy was present in the far end of the room in the book corner and Susan shared that she had the name Stephen, that he worked there in the back area; information that Susan received through crystal divination previously. This was also intuited by Sallyann who went on to describe him as being older, 5ft 5inches tall, bald with short trimmed grey hair to the sides, wire rimmed round glasses, a bookkeeper, had been most of life, always had his nose in the books keeping them updated. She asked if the spirit’s name was Stephen as Edwina used her crystal. As a trick question Sallyann asked if spirit was a tall gentleman to which the crystal responded with no, she went on to ask if he was going thin on top and the crystal responded yes.

    With the aid of Edwina and her crystal and Sallyann asking for confirmation for what she sensed the team were able to establish that this gentleman was a bookkeeper although maybe not in the museum, a kindhearted soul who would go out of his way to help people and that he moved things, pushed books onto the floor to be noticed. During the session Edwina thought she saw a glow stick on the table move which was confirmed by Susan using her pendulum.  When Sallyann asked if the spirit could do something for her, Edwina heard a noise which on playback was a thud. Mike noted the temperature was 26.3F. Susan continued asking questions and was able to establish that he died from a heart condition in that area and experienced a cold breeze crossing her face. Susan’s request for Stephen to touch someone resulted in a tap being heard by the group. Sallyann went on to converse with spirit saying that he was a kind man, always had a kind word to say and smiling, wore a dark suit with a waistcoat, smart, never late for work, happy to stay in the museum office but was shy of the ladies who worked there but would like it if the ladies said hello to him now and again all confirmed by the movement of pendulums. Sallyann asked if he wore the arm bands/braces on his shirt sleeves again it was confirmed. A bachelor he spent his happier days at work with company, a sweet chap, who owned a cat called Kitty, standing in front of the fridge in the kitchen he would empty the contents from a small tin on to a china saucer with a rose painted on it, placing it on the floor for her. As She spoke Edwina’s pendulums movement grew bigger and bigger and 26an evp was recorded saying “thank you”. 

    End of session

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