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Whitsand Bay Fort. Investigators Personal Experiences.

Whitsand Bay Fort. Investigators Experiences.2016

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After an investigation we do ask members to supply a brief written account of their experiences.

David Burlace: As part of team 1 in the tunnels we were getting a lot of response from the rem pod from a spirit we believed to be James. We had to leave as it was break time. We left with the rem pod still going locked the outer door with the rem pod still making a noise. After the break we went back to the tunnel and waited for the door key and the rem pod was still going. Over the top of the door, I shouted “ok James we are back” the pod stopped and was then silent as if he were waiting for our return.

Susan Davies: When I was in the tunnel, I heard a man’s voice go “huh” or something like that. Before we got to the place, I had a weird feeling all day, so I was a bit disappointed that nothing jumped up and scared me, I was expecting it to happen. I do wish I could get the opportunity to do my evp with no one else in the room with me as there is always too much going on in the background. I would of love to go back to the tunnels, but I was a bit worried about the steps. I had a great time and cannot wait for the next one. Apart from the orbs I caught I saw nothing unusual.

Michelle Ryder: Me, Tracie and Sarah arrived together and were chatting in the car, Tracie was telling me about some feelings she had about the evening and talked about a big ginger cat who kept appearing to her, strange as she seemed to describe my cat who died last year and who I feel with me all the time!

I felt nauseous in the chapel at the welcome meeting, and this got worse when we went down the tunnels, my heart started racing when Ben was playing some of the songs.

In the bar area I felt a heavy weight on my head, and it went when Sallyann asked it to leave me alone, I also saw the lamp was swinging on the ceiling, but this was proven to be the convection from the heater below.

Sarah Batten: When the lights were playing up before the investigation at the chapel and that lady was showing pictures of her new baby grandson, I got the sense of a baby lost too soon. It was not until Christina started talking about this announcement, I felt it was to do with this baby that had died, that it was some kind of accident. The mother I feel was not well mentally. An overly anxious lady. Then of course there was them REM pod going off in the fort. There was that man who got injured in the mechanics who was tentatively coming through. He wanted help get to the other side. I got the impression at some points he did not like us all looking towards him as if he had been disfigured by the accident. Then when the REM pod went mental, I believe it was the guy from the other side taking over, pushing him to the side like he was not allowed to speak over us. This other man was a very overpowering character, shouting out his authority to us. A fab location. Definitely active and would love to go again, especially to help the man pass over.

Kate Chaddock: We were down in the tunnels/magazine first and as I got down there, I did not really feel anything negative, a lot of the stuff down there we use in work today, so I felt quite at home, anyway we started by keeping quiet for a while and then we played some music. I think it must have been the first track we played I was watching the CCTV and saw a lot of stuff on one of the cameras but looking back this maybe just dust from the walls, from the vibration of the music. I did get the feeling of busyness; it was as if everybody was just working getting ammo and stuff up from the tunnels nothing which interacted. It was like they were just working around us not bothered by us at all. Down there that is all I felt it was like (for me) being at work when rush around prepping for the next exercise or something, so for me I felt quite at home I suppose.

We were in in the chapel next where nothing really happened it just seemed nice and peaceful. I did not feel anything.

Next was everybody in the bar area, again I felt nothing, and it seemed nice and peaceful.

All the ladies then went back down the tunnels, and I decided to go down to the part where the mannequins were, at first, I was not bothered. I was stood down there the first time and did not feel anything then either, well that was until maybe about five/ten minutes of me standing there I had an overwhelming sensation that I did not want to stand there anymore, as if something was going to happen, and I did not want to be there if it did. I then moved back further away, nothing did happen, but it was that sensation as if something were there and I started to not like it down there, so I basically moved from one end of the spectrum of feeling quite at home to get me away from there. So that was me for Whitsand Bay Fort.

Sallyann Clench:  Prior to visiting I sensed a young female nurse from 1940s which I felt was strange given the era the Battery was built and never gave a thought to its use in WW2. I had also envisaged two pairs of highly polished boots (this to me is a sign of military, proud of their appearance, regimented), running carrying a wooden box with rope handles, hardly a surprising vision to have in connection with the venue but could this have been a linked to the spirit energy felt in the magazine?

My personal highlights from the night’s investigation would be feeling the strong energy in the magazine getting stronger as I walked along the tunnel to the cordoned off area where the photograph of a shadow figure was captured, this area was where having entered I also saw something black move quickly, instantly thought it to be a cat sat on the wood till reality set in that there wasn’t a cat. I also experienced a very strong energy moving up and down the Armoury passage to the Guard and ammunition rooms in a repetitive action. Could possibly have been the energy of a soldier running from the one of the rooms to the ammunition hoist.

The next most memorable experience was when Abbie turned the crank; I felt emotions building, shaky, wanted to cry and scream stop, enough. Would I return? – in a heartbeat.

Tracie Solomon: Before the evening began, I handed over a sealed envelope with connections that I had made prior to the investigation. These were: the name James Andrews, home guard uniform, prisoners (old, smelly, tatty and an outbreak of illness and death), ginger cat, men talking in French and a possible connection to Henry VIII?



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