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The committee consists of long-standing Haunted Devon members each with many years’ experience of investigating the paranormal.
Abbie Dent
Abbie DentChairpersonmembership@haunted-devon.co.uk
Abbie Dent is our Chair and the glue that binds us altogether. Ensuring all runs smoothly, working closely with the committee members. Host of Lifting the Veil radio show with co-host, friend and member Martyn Hicks. A controversial show discussing the varied aspects of the weird and paranormal
Kelly Welsh
Kelly WelshFinance Managermembership@haunted-devon.co.uk
Kelly is our Finance Manager responsible for the club’s funds, expenses and ensuring all our insurance policies are current. Kelly also carries out the risk assessments for each investigation along with Health and Safety.
Ben Welsh
Ben WelshWeb and Treasurermembership@haunted-devon.co.uk
Ben is our Webmaster and Tech Manager and is responsible for everything to do with our website: event bookings, uploading and hyperlinking reports. Taking care of our expanding kit is his responsibility, ensuring everything, is fully functioning prior to each investigation.
SallyannClub Secretarysec.haunteddevon@gmail.com
Sallyann is our Secretary, is a long-standing member and her responsibilities include compiling the investigation reports for the club and venues, validating evidence, researching history, finding, and cleaning EVPs. She also produces footage videos and looks after and posts on our social media pages.
Graham Chapman
Graham ChapmanCommittee Consultantmembership@haunted-devon.co.uk
Graham Chapman is our Committee Consultant and longstanding former chair. On hand to aid the club and the committee in any way. A man of science and member of ASSAP, like the rest of the committee always looks for a rational explanation for activity.
Michelle Ryder
Michelle RyderTechnical  Consultantmembership@haunted-devon.co.uk
Michelle Ryder is our Tech Manager and responsibilities involve taking care of our expanding kit ensuring everything, maintained, and is fully functioning in readiness for each investigation. Transporting and setting up the equipment at each location. With a background in science, she provides the club with experiments. Michelle’s sceptical open mind keeps us grounded but is often conflicted by her experiences.

"Haunted Devon is committed to providing sound and reliable paranormal investigative skills in order to increase awareness of the paranormal in Devon. Our goal is to become one of the leading paranormal teams in the country and to continually advance and develop upon our skill set. Our promise to you is that we will always do our best to foster a good working relationship between those that believe and those who are sceptical and to deliver investigations that are respectful, accurate and above all safe for all who attend."

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Welcome to the new HD site - still work in progress so please check back soon.  We are looking to hit the ground running once the current lockdown period expires with new and exciting venues.  If you are interested in becoming a member we would love to hear from you.

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