Haunted Devon Radio - Abbie interview's Bloody Mary The New Orleans Voodoo Queen Celebrity Psychic and Voodoo Queen, Bloody Mary offers Holistic Psychic Sessions, Kuji-In energy healings, Seership. Channeling, Hypnosis and Vodoo/Hoodoo ritual consultations by individual appointments and for groups at psychic parties, weddings and conventions. Phone, email and in person appointments available .
As a full rounded Mystic, Spiritual healer and Ceritified Hypnotherapist she consults with spirit guides, angels, ancestors, the Loa and directly to your higher soul for guidance and healings. A Clairaudient, clairsentinent, Bloody Mary may prophesize and or synthesize through a sort of Pychis x-ray whichcan reveal spiritual, emotional and physical bloks to your pyschic well being. It helps by seeing and hearing with more than the physical and translates "The Secret" to a full life with you.
As a teacher she can help you open your own psychic abilities in order to help you heal yourself. Empowerment and teaching is the main goal.
As a light worker and psychic who lives a life of Spiritualism offering help for you treat the root of the issue as well as the symptoms in order to heal all of you. If your diagnosis requires more than spirit alignment you may be prescribed homework or offered a spirit tool such as , girs,-girs bags, cleansing baths and other further ritual healings "I can help you navigate through rough waters to calm seas with open sails and seal damages incurred along the way.— I am but the hollow bone, a conduit of energy from the source. " Bloody Mary Bloody Mary is an ordained Manbo Asogwe (priestess) of La Source Ancienne Hounfo in La Nouvelle Orleans of Haitian Voodoo, Voodoo Queen of Creole New Orleans Voodoo, ABH Certified and Registered Hypnotherepist, Traituer (cajun creole healer), Ordained Minister of Ordo Templo Verdius, Reverend Mother of the Universal Church, Knight Priest of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowned Heart as QiGong and Kuji-In healer of Hindu and Mahayana Buddhist Oriental Esoteric traditions, Master Energy Healer, Twinned Priestess with Foxwood Temple of the Old Religion, Queen Bishop and founder of Les Salon L'Esprit de Verite a la Criolle Nouvelle Orleans. She comes from a Roman Catholic backgroud with deep New Orleans ancestral roots are all pieces of the guiding forces in her work. Local Houma Indian and Lakota teachers have also been a part of her studies to deepen the pool of her shamanic contributions with New Orleans Voodoo. Her learning has been a interdisciplinary, deconstructive and recontructive process from the roots of New Orleans Voodoo